Get involved with our arts coverage
Are you an artist? Do you run a small theater group, or lead a commercial gallery? Maybe you’re a youth arts educator. Or just someone who appreciates local culture and wants Sacramento’s creative economy and working artists to thrive.
Are you an artist? Do you run a small theater group, or lead a commercial gallery? Maybe you’re a youth arts educator. Or just someone who appreciates local culture and wants Sacramento’s creative economy and working artists to thrive.
How to get involved:
• Send your arts and culture story ideas to (and read our other stories)
• Send your arts and culture story ideas to (and read our other stories)
• Submit yourself or someone you know for our new “Artist Spotlight” series, which will run in our February “Sac Art Pulse” print zine and on our website
• If you run an arts-related organization, buy a half-page ad in our February print zine to help support our journalism going forward
• If you’re a writer or photographer and want to cover arts and culture, check out our submission guidelines
• Sign up for our weekly arts newsletter
• Read our current “Sac Art Pulse” print zine, which was published in August
When to get involved:
• Deadline to submit “Artist Spotlight” material and/or buy a half-page print ad for our next print issue is Nov. 1. The print issue will publish in February 2025.
• Our interest in your story ideas is ongoing
Thanks for being part of this effort!
• If you run an arts-related organization, buy a half-page ad in our February print zine to help support our journalism going forward
• If you’re a writer or photographer and want to cover arts and culture, check out our submission guidelines
• Sign up for our weekly arts newsletter
• Read our current “Sac Art Pulse” print zine, which was published in August
When to get involved:
• Deadline to submit “Artist Spotlight” material and/or buy a half-page print ad for our next print issue is Nov. 1. The print issue will publish in February 2025.
• Our interest in your story ideas is ongoing
Thanks for being part of this effort!

About Solving Sacramento
Launched in early 2022, Solving Sacramento is a collaborative of seven local newsrooms and one civic-engagement organization working together to produce stories on the issues that impact the greater Sacramento region. We’ve come together to collaborate on solutions journalism, specifically on the issues of affordable housing and homelessness, economic equity, arts and the environment.
Want to support our work?
Donate here.