Russian Time Magazine

TOP 9 Tips for Earthquake

During a natural disaster, stay calm and take safety measures

The United States Geological Survey reports that on average, there are five earthquakes per year in California and Nevada with magnitudes ranging from 6 to 7 on the Richter scale (significant damage to buildings, smokestacks, cracks in walls, etc.). And every 100 years, earthquakes with a magnitude greater than 7 occur in California. The primary source of such seismic activity is the San Andreas Fault.

Continuous research into these phenomena and efforts by authorities to mitigate the consequences of earthquakes are yielding results. However, predicting this natural disaster in advance is rarely possible. Typically, incidents occur without warning, and action must be taken swiftly. Your behavior should depend on where you are at that moment.

Here are some recommendations:

1. If the disaster is known in advance, take with you a supply of food, medication, documents, and spare clothing. Before leaving home, turn off the gas and heating appliances. Stay away from buildings and power lines outside.

2. Immediately leave the house and act as described above if you are on lower floors during an earthquake.

3. Stay at a safe distance from windows, mirrors, and heavy furniture items that may break or collapse if you have to stay inside a building. The safest places in this situation are doorways of load-bearing walls, the nearest load-bearing wall to the building's center and supporting columns. The higher the floor, the greater the amplitude of the oscillations, and the stronger the movement may be felt. Don't panic and continue to act according to the same rules.

4. Hide under a table or other sturdy furniture. This will help protect you from falling objects and debris. If you can't find cover, cover your head and neck with pillows, blankets, or simply your hands.

5. Children can be hidden in the bathroom or covered or shielded with your body.

6. Avoid elevators. Once the tremors stop, descend to the street using the regular or fire escape stairs.

7. Listen to local news and emergency service instructions if possible. This will help you stay informed and take necessary actions.

8. Do not rush to return home immediately after the earthquake. Wait until the tremors stop before leaving your safe shelter. Aftershocks can occur within a few minutes. Additionally, there may be a gas leak in the house.

9. Park your car in an open area away from buildings if you are caught in a car during the disaster. Do not leave the vehicle—it is quite safe—stay in it until the tremors stop. You can bend down in your seat and cover your head with your hands.
After the earthquake, check on the condition of your loved ones and neighbors. Help those who need your support.
2024-04-23 20:55 Featured LIFESTYLE