I was raised in a family of highly educated people. My grandfather was a chief engineer, my grandmother was a library director, my aunt was the head doctor running the biggest hospital in my city. My father was a doctor of mathematical science, and my mother was a senior research fellow at the Institute of Cybernetics. From an early age, I was taught to use logic to make sense of the world around me, to rationalize the things that were happening to me. As I grew older, I realized that sometimes the universe aligns, and things happen at a perfect time for a perfect reason. Many people around me used to call that a coincidence. I’ve learned to call that miracles. I believe such things are an act of God, and He definitely has a sense of humor.
"sure" "We don't have transportation to create an event for those kids," he said. "We could barely find enough transportation for our first event. What are we gonna do?"
"Hi, Sergey. This is Jasper Begay. We have collected 100 Christmas presents, and I was thinking you might want them for your Christmas Lights event. We don't have room in our office, these need to go today."
"Sergey, you won't believe what just happened! Jesus called! We have two limo buses!"
On behalf of the organizing team, I would like to once again express our sincere gratitude to all the people who invested their time, money, and resources to make both events happen over the last twenty years 🙏 Because of you, thousands of children have received a real Christmas experience of love, acceptance, and joy during the holiday season 💚♥️