Mmmm… smoothies. They are so fun, quick, and popular. But are there any real benefits to these colorful, blended drinks?
The common misconception with smoothies is that you can throw anything and everything into digest, so you must be cautious of what ingredients you are using.
A fruit-only smoothie typically has high levels of sugar which can spike your blood sugar levels and has fewer health benefits to nourish your body with vitamins, minerals and fibers. You can increase your vegetables and superfood consumption without even noticing it!
Here are three wholesome recipes for deliciously, healthy smoothies that will not only make you feel better but will also delight your taste buds!
If you experience bloating, constipation, acid reflux, or are having difficulty losing weight, this smoothie is just for you! It even helps with chronic fatigue, anxiety and depression!
Ingredients: ½ of an apple 1 carrot 1 banana 5 walnuts 1 cup of spinach mint leaves, fresh lemon juice, fresh turmeric, a dash of cinnamon, 1 cup of almond or coconut milk.
This delicious and colorful smoothie can help calm your body and fight inflammation. It is loaded with vitamins and incredible taste!
Ingredients: 2 cups of mixed berries 1 small beat 1 cup baby kale 1 medium-size orange + orange zest, 1 teaspoon fresh ginger peeled and grated, 1 cup unsweetened plant-based milk.
Do you want that summer glow? This hydrating smoothie is filled with fiber, digestive enzymes, and vital nutrients that will naturally de-bloat your tummy, leave your skin hydrated and refresh you from the inside out!
1 1/2 cups of organic spinach 1 cucumber, chopped 1 small lemon, peel removed 1 ripe banana, frozen 1 cup pineapple or mango (frozen), 2 tablespoons chia seeds, 1 cup unsweetened almond, milk, 1 cup cold, filtered water.
Helpful Hint:
While you are trying to avoid dairy products. Products like milk and cheese are heavy, difficult to digest and mucous-forming. Instead of helping you detoxify, these foods make cleansing more difficult because of the strain they put on your body.
Keep in mind:
Drinking fruit and veggie smoothies can help you reach the recommended daily intake of fiber, which is 25 grams for women and 38 grams for men.
The soluble fiber found in fruit helps slow digestion and may help control blood sugar and lower cholesterol.